Message for May 1

Carnival Update


Our parish carnival has proven to be an enjoyable and financially successful social event for St. Eugene Parish.  What might surprise some is the tremendous amount of advance planning and work that takes place months before the actual date of the carnival.  Unfortunately the health crisis that has disrupted so much of our ‘normal’ daily routines has now impacted the parish carnival as well.  This coming June 10th we would have opened our 5th parish carnival!  However for a number of reasons, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have had to make the decision to cancel this years’ carnival.

By this time in years past, through the efforts of many volunteers, we would have secured donations and sponsorships from local business and individuals.  Due to ‘stay home’ directives and the closings of so many local businesses, this has not been possible.  There is a growing concern regarding the willingness of families to attend such a gathering, as well as concern for the health and safety of our volunteer workers.  Ordering the necessary food, game prizes and other related supplies, has proven difficult if not impossible.  Too much uncertainty remains regarding the timing and degree of the lifting of various state and local regulations.  Obtaining permits and licenses has become problematic as well.  For these and other reasons, the difficult decision has been made to cancel our parish carnival scheduled to begin June 10th.

Thank you for your understanding, and please, don’t give up … don’t despair!  Keep focused on the future when our lives will get back to some degree of ‘normalcy’!  Think ahead to next June; what a wonderful time we will have when the 5th St. Eugene Parish Carnival opens!